Hindsight is 2020

By Valerie Torelli

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This year, what would it be like if we all were able to express the things we never said to those that matter.  Smile, behind masks with eyes that shine at a perfect stranger regardless if they are masked or not. 

This year, let us all, each and everyone of us, listen like no lessons have been learned, take the time to seek what we have in common.  Let us all endeavor to learn and  understand the things we never could. 

This year, let's find within ourselves the ability to forgive others and in so doing, make space for new beginnings. 

This year, let us dream of a life that is better for all and ask ourselves, "what is a creative, kind, imaginative way to handle the challenge in front of me?"

In this year, this day, this moment, we can choose to be at our best, do good, and as Gandhi said, "be the change we wish to see in the world."

With eyes and hearts wide open we can create a year worth celebrating and a chance to live like we never have.

All The Best,
